
EMF Radiation Articles
Here we have a few articles relating to Cell Phone EMF Radiation and EMF Radiation Protection, but the majority of the current information as well as videos are on our blog. If you really want to know what is going on, on the subject of EMF Radiation and EMF Radiation Protection, I would suggest to signup for our FREE Membership and get the information as well as videos, reports etc which is free and for our Members only.
Cell Phone Radiation and Your Eye
By: Taraka Serrano
Do you use cell phones and computers for extended periods of time? Here are a few things you should know about electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation and how it can affect the health of your eyes: In 2001, German scientists found a link between cell phone radiation and eye cancer. The study investigated a form of eye cancer called uveal melanoma, in which tumours form in the layer that makes up the iris and base of the retina. The research suggests there is a threefold increase in eye cancers among people who regularly use the devices.
Protect Yourself Against Cell Phone Radiation & Electromagnetic Fields
By: Lizzie Scott
In today';s lifestyle, you are exposed to man-made electromagnetic fields. Repeated exposure to them can lead to various health problems. So the next time you talk on your cell phone for long hours, think how much cell phone radiation you are subjecting yourself to! (PRWEB) April 26, 2006 -- In today';s lifestyle, you are exposed to man-made electromagnetic fields. The growing demands of ever-changing technologies and changes in social behavior have created more negative electromagnetic fields around you. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) above certain levels can trigger biological effects! Over the decades, electromagnetic... read more>>>

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors?
By:Barney Garcia
In the past 5 years or so, cell phone technology has increased and human use of the cell phone has grown rapidly world wide. By the year 2003 it was estimated that 700 million people around the world were using cell phones - and that number only continues to grow. Since the number of cell phone users is at such a large amount, increasing worry about health concerns is becoming an issue. read more>>>

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