Cell Phone -
A mobile phone (also called a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a gadget that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while getting around a broad geographic area. It could so by hooking up to a cell phone network supplied by a cell phone provider, permitting accessibility to the public telephone system. In comparison, a cordless phone is employed only inside the short range of an individual, private base station.
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- Environmental Health Investigations Branch...
- EHIB works to optimize the health of the people in California by studying how the environment affects health and by educating and informing the public....
169 pages found, 5 links found, 12572 score http://www.ehib.org
- World Of Cell Phones, Cheap Phone Plans, Calling Cards, Long Distance, Dial...
- Discounted cell phone accessories, cellular phones, international calling cards, long distance dial-around...
36 pages found, 84 links found, 26259 score http://www.worldofphones.com
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