The much popularity of the alternative medicine products is attributed to the wide scale acceptance by the public and the governments. The alternative medicines have also found acceptance with the insurance companies. The other major contributor to the popularity and the increase of the use of alternative medicines is the increase in cases of mood disorders like anxiety, depression, mood swings or insomnia.
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- Environmental Health Investigations Branch...
- EHIB works to optimize the health of the people in California by studying how the environment affects health and by educating and informing the public....
169 pages found, 5 links found, 12572 score
- Symbiotic Systems - Products to help you...
- Symbiotic Systems offers a "collection" of alternative products which may enhance your life. Many produce a cost savings when used. Others are just "Good For You" and used to prevent the need medicine....
84 pages found, 24 links found, 40779 score
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